Barometer on Basque Sovereignty

1st SURVEY · 2020/11

NAZIOMETROA aims to analyse the opinions and perceptions of the people of Euskal Herria, on questions of sovereignty, self- government, independence, and matters interconnected with these.
This will take place on an ongoing basis: rather than a one-off measurement, NAZIOMETROA is envisaged as a recurring barometer that analyses trends in public opinion over time.
To facilitate understanding of the data collected in each survey, NAZIOMETROA publishes a brief summary of the answers considered most relevant, as well as the general description of each measurement.
In addition to this summary, the complete survey dossier, including graphics, technical data and sociological analysis, will also be supplied.
This information is available on the website (, and can be downloaded in full by registered users.
A summary of the six key findings taken from the first survey in November 2020 are set out below:
* On July 18, Euskaltzaindia, the Academy of the Basque Language rapproved a regulation declaring that the term Euskal Herria refers jointly to the provinces of älava/Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Lapurdi, Nafarroa/Navarre (Lower and Upper) and Zuberoa/Soule.
In the context of a consensual and official referendum on self-determination, those in favour of the Basque State predominate (42,5%
When asked about an independent Basque State in a context of political consensus (i.e. all or most of the political parties have agreed to hold a
referendum on an independent Basque state, it has been approved by Madrid/Paris, and is therefore fully recognised and official): 42,5% are in favour of an independent Basque state, and 31,5% against. In other words, the position in favour of an independent Basque state is 11 points ahead of that in opposition to it.
- Let’s suppose that in the Basque Autonomous Community / North Basque Country Intermunicipal Community all or most of the political parties have agreed to hold a referendum on the Basque State, and that Madrid / Paris has accepted it. The referendum is therefore fully recognised and official.
- Let’s suppose that in Nafarroa all or most of the political parties have agreed to hold a referendum on a Basque State which includes Nafarroa, and that Madrid has accepted it. The referendum is therefore fully recognised and official.
in this scenario, you are asked whether you are in favour of or against an independent Basque State. How would you vote?
- Alde %42.5
- Kontra %31.5
- Abstentzioa %12.5
- ED/EE %13.5
If an independent Basque State were to improve social or gender policies, the number of those in favour would increase
Among those who are against or have doubts about an independent Basque state, 40% (if social policies improve) and 37% (if gender policies improve) would shift to a favourable position. If the economic climate were to improve, or if the state could be within the European Union, 33% of these respondents would be in favour of an independent Basque state.
If the independent Basque State did not improve the economic conditions currently experienced as part of Spain/France?
If the creation of an independent Basque State carried the risk of being shut out of the European Union?
If the independent Basque State did not improve current social welfare policies (education, health, pensions, etc)?
If the independent Basque State did not improve current gender policies?
The majority (63%) want to decide on the political future of their territory
The majority of Basques (63%) would like the right to decide on their political future. The same applies to the question of whether or not each territory should have this right. In the three regions consulted, the majority answered in the affirmative: 64% consider that the Basque Autonomous Community should have this right, a similar percentage (63%) in the case of the Navarrese Autonomous Community, and 58% in that of the North Basque Country Regional Government (French Basque Country).
In your opinion, should the following geographical regions have the right to decide their political future?
Basque Autonomous Community
- Alde %64.1
- Kontra %19.4
- ED/EE %16.5
The North Basque Country Intermunicipal Community
- Alde %58
- Kontra %21.4
- ED/EE %20.6
Autonomous Community of Nafarroa
- Alde %63.4
- Kontra %19.4
- ED/EE %17.2
The majority (79%) wish to forge closer ties between the seven provinces
In the seven provinces, 79% are in favour of forging closer inter- territorial ties and 10% against. In both the Basque Autonomous Community and Nafarroa, the majority is in favour of strengthening ties between the seven territories (81% and 67%, respectively).
Are you for or against the Basque Autonomous Community, the Community of Nafarroa, and the North Basque Country Intermunicipal Community forging a closer relationship, whilst maintaining the current situation autonomous status in each territory?
- Alde %79.2
- Kontra %9.6
- ED/EE %11.2
Note: A 1/3 of the sample of the South Basque Country and the total of the North Basque Country was questioned.
(n) 470
Town Councils are the most highly rated for their management of the pandemic
When the degree of satisfaction with the management of the pandemic by different administrative entities is measured, local councils receive the best
evaluation. Among those surveyed, 43% are very or fairly satisfied with the management of the local councils. At almost the same level are the governments of the Autonomous Communities (42%), followed by the provincial councils and then the European Union. Finally, and at a considerable margin from the rest, the Spanish and French governments rated 24% satisfaction.
INDEX (completely satisfied + quite satisfied)
To what extent are you satisfied with the management of the pandemic by the following governments and local authorities?
The governments of the Autonomous Communities should have more powers to manage COVID-19
In line with this satisfaction rating, respondents called for greater powers for each of these administrative entities in almost the same order. That is to say, increased jurisdiction primarily for the governments of the Autonomous Communities, followed by the town councils, the provincial councils, the European Union, and less for the Spanish and French Governments.
Should the following governments and local authorities have more, equal or fewer powers to manage crises such as the one generated by the COVID19 pandemic?
Naziometroa 1 2020/11 Complete dossier-ENGL
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