6TH BULLETIN / 2024.03.27


22 November 2023 we organized the 2nd Naziometroa Conference in San Sebastian.
The work carried out at these conferences has allowed us to design this year’s poll (Naziometroa VI). Thus, in addition to the regular questions asked in every poll, the specific section will be on the feeling of belonging. The outcome will be known after the summer.
In the meantime, you have at your disposal the results of the conference. We talked about the feeling of belonging as a basic human need. Belonging has to do with emotions, feelings and can have many variants. Deep feelings of belonging build strong communities, while weak or contradictory ones build fragile communities. How are they built? How can they be broken down? How can they be consolidated? How can they be weakened? How can they be nurtured? Are feelings of attachment being diluted in current social trends?
We analysed how the processes of attachment to a national project develop and what social processes create or differentiate it. Are there types of belonging that bring us closer or further away from a nation? How do feelings of belonging influence national consciousness? These and other questions were answered at the 2nd Naziometroa Conference.
The content of what was discussed will soon be available on our website.


In the December Periscope we collected some of the contents of the II Conference of Naziometroa. The reflections on the feeling of belonging gave rise many questions. From analysing the degree of adhesion to the territory, to acting around an algorithmic nation.
Read more here

“The moment of the leap in the linguistic planning of public employees: models and proposals”.
Held on 15 March from 10:00 to 12:30 in the MARTIN CULTURAL PARK.
We broadcast it live on the Berria.eus portal.
Below you can see what the morning gave.
The new rulings on linguistic profiles in the selective procedures for access to the civil service have revealed the weakness of the regulatory bases that support the language planning model of local, regional and autonomous administrations. The decree recently issued by the Basque Government does not solve the problem.
For this reason, Txillardegi Gogoeta Gunea, together with Kontseilua, has organised a day of reflection in which proposals have been made to safeguard the legality of linguistic profiles in access to the civil service and to provide legal certainty to the procedures for the standardisation of the use of the Basque language. We learned how this issue is regulated in other geographical areas such as Catalonia and Galicia and we will debate specific and urgent legal measures to respond to the current situation of judicial attrition suffered by the Basque language.
“Comparative language policy”

In November 2023, Txillardegi Gogoeta Gunea organised a series of online sessions on comparative language policy. The aim was to gather knowledge about the different language policies being worked on around the world, so that we can have contributions that may be useful when defining the language policy that we need as a people for the 21st century. Thus, through experts from Estonia, Quebec, Catalonia, the Aland Islands and Flanders, we gathered information on their language policies.
TXGG Blog: the last two articles.
Article 7 of the TXGG Blog was written by Egoitz Urrutikoetxea. “The linguistic reality in Lapurdi Nafarroa Beherea and Xiberoa” tells us about the sociolinguistic data and language policy in the North Basque Country.
Article 8 of the TXGG Blog was written by Aize Otaño, from AEK. “The senses, the sense: AITZINA” has made public the different situations of the Basque language in the seven territories of Euskal Herria and has stressed that the Korrika has the same importance today as it was in 1980.


On 16 November 2023, the second Follow-up Session was held with the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. In it, the Provincial Council presented the progress of the recommendations made by the Gipuzkoa Citizens’ Assembly.
In this report you can see what was presented by the Provincial Council.
On 15 June 2024, representatives of the Gipuzkoa Climate and Rural Citizens’ Assembly will meet with representatives of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa for a morning visit to a producer in the primary sector in Gipuzkoa and then have lunch together. The main objective of this session is to follow up on the commitments made by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

The journal that will work on research with a social impact is born. This is very good news for the Basque community in general because we will add a useful tool to Basque social impact research.
With the support of leading academic institutions on both sides of the border, researchers from different areas of knowledge have put science at the service of society. And we are happy to make our contribution and support the project.
The first presentation took place at the Durango book fair and later in the Basque capitals (Pamplona, Baiona and Bilbao).
For more information, please visit the website www.
InpActa | Acta de investigación para el impacto social/Journal of research for social impact

We have joined the Belgian Platform for Democratic Renewal’s call to the EU to plan, integrate and ensure robust deliberative processes. We have called for strengthening deliberative processes with other actors.

We attended the presentation of TALAIA FEMINISTA

We attended the presentation of Talaia Feminista at Martin Ugalde. They have published an analysis of some events that have influenced the Basque Country in 2023 and will analyse where the Basque Country is in the feminist transition.
The provisional version of the 2023 dossier is available on the website.

We have been interviewed in Naiz

Naiz Irratia interviewed us about the laboratory’s work.
We explained our lines of work and the specific projects we are working on.


At the 6th edition of the Gure Lurra congress, we shared experiences, reflections and issues that affect the day-to-day life of the primary sector. TMeLab members also took part in the round table on the Gipuzkoa Citizens’ Assembly.
We talked about the rules for the good organisation and functioning of a Citizens’ Assembly.
From minute 1:58:00 onwards, the round table is broadcast.

Visit by the GOVERNMENT's Department of Culture and Language Policy

On January 17th in the Olaso Tower we received the visit of Bingen Zupiria, Minister of Culture and Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government. The Deputy Minister and the Director of Cultural Heritage were also present.
The visit followed the approval of the registration of the Torre Olaso Foundation by the Registry of Museums and Collections of the Basque Country.